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Funds Management

Forté Funds Management Ltd (Forté)

  • Width and depth of experience of management and investment team;

  • Alignment of owners’ and management’s interests with the interests of investors;

  • Absolute framework investment philosophy;

  • Active engagement with companies.

Forté Equity Fund (Fund)

  • The units in the Fund are no longer being offered to investors that require disclosure under the FMCA 2013;

  • Investors’ funds are held by third party independent entities;

  • Independent Fund administration, registry, unit pricing and auditing;

  • Concentrated investment positions.

Forté is currently 100% owned by entities associated with John Phipps, David Mair and Douglas Lau. We established the Fund to be an investment management vehicle for our funds and the funds of our associates and other contacts.

John Phipps and Douglas Lau, both experienced investment professionals, are responsible for the management of Forté. We highlight the extensive experience of the investment and management team, who collectively have many years of direct experience in business and/or investment management in both small and large companies.


Forté is the investment manager of the Fund. The Fund’s investments are predominantly shares listed in New Zealand and Australia, however, at times it may hold high levels of cash. The Fund may endeavour to manage risk by using a number of tools, including hedging.


We have endeavoured to align our interests with those of investors by investing in the Fund on the same terms as other investors and charging a performance fee to incentivise out-performance of the Fund. To ensure this alignment becomes part of Forté’s culture we may broaden our ownership to include persons contributing to the performance of Forté and the Fund.


Security of investors’ funds is important to us. All investors’ funds are held by an independent trustee corporation. Fund administration, registry and unit pricing are performed by an independent third party specialist. The Fund is audited by an independent auditor. by an independent auditor.

  • From 7th November 2015, units in the Fund are no longer being offered to investors that require disclosure under the FMCA 2013;

  • An Information Memorandum and other relevant documents, will be made available by contacting Forté;

  • For further information please contact Forté.

If you have a problem or a complaint, please contact us at If you are still not satisfied you may refer the matter to the Trustee, Public Trust, Level 9, 34 Shortland Street, PO Box 1598, Auckland 1140 Telephone +64 (9) 985 5300

Need more details? Contact us

John Phipps
Executive Director, CEO
M. +64 29 307 8313

Douglas Lau
Investment Manager
M. +64 29 494 2217

Forté Funds Management
M. +64 29 307 8313

M. +64 29 494 2217

Michael Anderson
Non-Executive Director

David Mair
Non-Executive Director
Advisory Committee

Forté Funds Management

All rights reserved

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